Self-Care in 2018
We are full swing into 2018 and it has taken a while to get back in the groove over here. I don't know about you, but the post-holiday transition is the toughest one of the year for me. Since it's January, I thought we should take a minute to talk about everyone's favorite new year topic, resolutions! Some of you may have health resolutions, family resolutions or financial resolutions for 2018. Resolutions are great, but sometimes they can set us up to fail.
As parents, caregivers, teachers and therapists of children with unique challenges, our lives are stressful. It is unlikely that we can dedicate the time to make a huge change that comes with a resolution. Instead of trying to make a whole new you in 2018, here are some simple steps for self-care and a new year full of success!

1 - Say No
This is a personal goal of mine for 2018. Saying no can feel like you are letting someone down, but it is important not to over-commit yourself. Say yes to the things that align with where you are and where you want to go. That will make it easier to say no to the things that are less important and critical for yourself and your family.
2 - Prioritize Sleep
Most of us take sleep for granted and it is easy to keep pushing through exhaustion. Sleep is critical for cellular regrowth and recovery. Use those say no skills and accept that not everything will get done before bed time. Prioritize your to-do list and put sleep at the top.
3 - Enjoy the Little Moments
Every day is full of little joys that we overlook. With social media surrounding us showing perfect moments and families, we forget that everyone has challenges and no one's life is just sunshine and rainbows. Find the sunshine in a simple car ride or the rainbows in a delicious meal and conversation with friends.
4 - Make Time for Friendship
This is another one that is taking priority for me in 2018. With busy schedules, stress and people relying on us at every turn, it is easy to let your social life go by the way side. Make time for friends, say no to overworking yourself and enjoy a night out with your social support system.
5 - Stay Positive
Positive thoughts create positive actions, which create positive results. If you want to see change, happiness and growth in 2018 - you have to expect it! Keep a positive mindset and try to approach each small step with an open-mind full of positive energy.
I'm sure you've heard many of these tips before, but I find I have to hear something multiple times before I finally commit. Make 2018 the year where you prioritize yourself a little more, which will help you be the rock for all of the people who depend on you. You have to care for yourself first before you can care for others. Self-care doesn't always mean a bubble bath or a day at the spa. Self-care happens through small steps and consistency. Remember these 5 tips throughout 2018 and you will be on your way to a happy, healthful and satisfied year!
Looking for more tips as a parent or caregiver?