5 Ways to use Plastic Eggs that aren't Candy!
Easter is just around the corner and we are seeing those pesky, plastic eggs pop up everywhere. Luckily, there are so many ways to use them at home, in session, or in the classroom – that has nothing to do with candy!

Hatching Game
A lot of my clients have a difficult time with impulse control, and this is a fun way to practice waiting and patience.
Fill each plastic egg with one motor movement - written on a strip or a picture
Have children sit in a circle
Place a bucket in the middle of the circle, filled with plastic eggs with movements inside
Play “duck, duck, goose” but the goose has to sit on the bucket and hatch an egg
The group does a 10 second drum roll while the goose hatches the egg
After 10 seconds, the goose stands up and picks an egg
The goose opens the egg and everyone has to complete the movement inside
The goose then plays “duck, duck, goose” and picks the next egg hatcher
Depending on how excited your children might become, you can fill the eggs with large movements like jumping or spinning, or small movements like clapping and stomping that can be done while they remain seated. Movements that can be done seated will also help minimize transition time from sitting to standing.
Pick a Movement
This is a fun way to get the sillies out and repurpose the movement-filled eggs you made for the hatching game.
Put on your child(ren)’s favorite song
Fill a bag or bucket with the movement-filled eggs
Have children stand in a circle
Pass the bucket around the circle with the music
When the music stops (you pause it), the child holding the bucket has to pick an egg
All children have to perform the movement inside the egg when the music comes back on
Repeat until all children have picked an egg or the song ends
Again, you can do this activity seated or standing, depending on what your child(ren) most need.

Boomwhacker Brain Break
Plastic Easter eggs come in a variety of colors, and they often match the colors of the boomwhackers. Boomwhackers are a fun instrument to use both in and out of the music therapy setting. They can work on a variety of skills including auditory processing, following one-step directions, and teamwork.
Place plastic eggs in a bucket that is not see-through (I pour the whole bag of eggs inside)
Have your child(ren) pick one egg from the bucket, without looking
Place the eggs on the floor in a line, after each child has picked their egg
Figure out what color boomwhackers you need that match the eggs on the floor
Give each child a boomwhacker
Point to each egg, and the person holding that color boomwhacker has to play
This is a fun way to create original compositions that requires zero musical knowledge. You could even set a back beat using Garage Band, and the children have to play their boomwhacker with the beat.
Homemade Egg Shakers
Egg Shakers are one of my favorite instruments to use in session. This is a fun, easy way to make your own at home!
Buy rice, beans, dried noodles, etc. to place in the plastic eggs
Have each child choose what they want to fill their eggs with and place those materials in the egg
Make sure to seal the eggs either with hot glue or tape
Put on your child(ren)’s favorite song and have them rock out with their new instrument!
When deciding what to put in your egg, you can fill each egg with a different filling and listen to what sounds best. You could even fill the eggs yourself and have the children guess what is inside. This is a great way to work on auditory processing and problem-solving in a new, fun way!
Balance and Freeze
It is sometimes difficult to control our body, and this is a fun way to practice “being careful” and keeping our body still.
Pass out 1 plastic egg to each child
Put on a Freeze Dance
When the children freeze, they have to balance their egg where you tell them (head, hand, knee, etc.)
You can make this more difficult by having them freeze in specific poses or increasing the amount of time they have to stay frozen.
I can’t wait to see how you use your plastic eggs with your kids! If you enjoyed these activities, share them with your friends and let us know which one was your favorite.